Louise Phillips, Swinton

Baby Yoga has been a great way for me to connect with my baby, and have fun in a relaxing environment. Sadhana’s class has been my favourite baby group she is a fantastic teacher, so knowledgeable and helpful.  I am definitely stronger, less tense and more relaxed. Charlie  loves the baby yoga movements, the massage, … Read more

Martin, Worsley

yoga, pilates, meditation, sadhana yoga

.. it is an undeniable fact that Sadhana is a brilliant teacher. Her Pilates class is both enjoyable & beneficial; strengthening the core muscles and improving your entire well-being. Sadhana is extremely knowledgeable about the body and very caring. I am at the wrong end of 50 now and qualify for the reduced class  rate … Read more

Christine Kershaw, 60 Oldham

yoga, pilates, meditation, sadhana yoga, eccles

Sadhana’s meditation groups are a wonderful way to unwind and gain perspective on life. no matter what, it is hard to quieten your mind but I take ideas from the sessions and find a time to sit quietly at home. We have  the opportunity to discuss with othersin the group  it is interesting to hear … Read more

Kay Duncan

prenatal, birth prep, yoga, pilates, medittation

prenatal yoga/pilates was just what I was looking for – I felt I needed some core strength-building and flexibility,the class was totally geared towards pregnancy…Sadhana is a lovely teacher, expertly managing our individual needs with a good grounding in anatomy & physiology, as well as the more spiritual aspects of yoga and this helped me connect. … Read more

Lynne Maxfield, 61

Cancer is a challenge to the spirit and mind… Sadhana bases her yoga practices on kindness and compassion…Focussing on the breath worked to decrease my stress levels and brought me in to a more serene present moment.