Gratitude Jars


Dear Yoga and Pilates Friends


I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and peace and blessings to you all for 2019

I have had some much need sunshine in Sri Lanka   and as wonderful as my holiday was I  am very grateful to be able to start my 14th year of teaching.

New year can bring about new hope but also new pressure to achieve our goals so rather than writing out a list of resolutions how about  Gratitude Jar – I started mine several years ago in the form of a journal and i dont write in it each   day or week even but i do write down reminders of the good things rather than the bad, what i have rather than what i think i need. starting with today, write down all you are thankful for to allow us to reflect and remind ourselves of all that we have rather than what we dont

I am extremely  and grateful for being able to  to share the grace and beauty of the breath and body with Yoga,  Pilates and Meditation with you all.

I look forward to seeing my wonderful friends in class and welcoming new ones.

Gratitude Jars
“The More Grateful You Are, The More Present You Become, The More Joy You Bring Into Your Life”.

with love  Sadhana x


with love  Sadhana x