Dear Yogis and Pilates Friends
Tonight Maha Shivaratri an auspicious evening for Hindus celebrate whereby any prayers that are sent will be heard. It is a time of sending out hope, sending out love and allowing our dreams to be heard in the hope that they will be realised.
But to send out a prayer, to dream, to have hope we don’t need need to be believe in the divine, we don’t have to be Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jewish. We just need to to have faith.
Many of us have faith in the divine but struggle to have faith in the Self – many of us have lost our faith due to previous experiences of suffering such as fear, hopelessness, past experiences, leading to loss of love for the Self; once we loose a sense of faith in the self then live becomes a much harder struggle
But we all need to find the strength and keep dreaming, and if those particular dreams are not realised, then the mind is a magnificent tool – it can take us anywhere in the universe and beyond, so all we need to do is dream some more.
We all have the strength to dream, all the tools that we need are within us. From calm breaths, loving-kindness, love from family and friends, all of which we have we just need to remember that its al there, waiting for us.
Hopefully the Yoga, Pilates and Meditation classes are providing a forum whereby we can learn ways to bring peace into the mind, love into the heart, strength into the physical body and a sense of letting go and just being into the spirit body.
With loving-kindness