Monthly Meditation Classes

Buddhist Monk, China © Sadhana Yoga Pictures

Meditation takes time, patience and energy. Meditation makes us face and be confronted by those things we don’t necessarily want to think about; states such as suffering and unpleasantness can lead the mind to distraction itself as a way of coping with life.

But those parts of the Self need to be addressed so that we can learn how to live life with awareness and clarity rather than with fear and doubt.

Meditation allows us to bring a sense of calm and acceptance to the Self.  The guided meditations are suitable for all and are non demominational. There are two guided practices suitable for all and non-denominational.  Small groups inviting opportunity for discussion and support.


  • last Tuesday of the month – 28th August
  • 7-8pm
  • Payment is donation based, suggested donation £5 p/person
  • Booking only – venue @ Sadhana Yoga Studios, Eccles (M30)
  • Please email for details/